Reminder for VBS and Retreat
Please contribute as able for VBS and retreat if you have not already done so. Cost for retreat is $95 per adult and $45 per child. Cost for VBS is $55 per family.

Update on Elder Bob Klanderud
Please pray for our long-time Lakota Elder Bob as he is battling cancer, & looking to undergo chemotherapy & kidney surgery. If willing and able to financially support his medication costs, please reach out to Pastor Hikari for instructions.

COOL Kids will continue to meet through July
We will take August off but there will be play time for the kids available. Thanks.

Travel for Pastor Jin, John Nelson, and Laura Newby
Pastor Jin, John & Laura will be gone on a study tour of Türkiye/Greece/Central Europe from June 4 to July 4- back with us next Sunday. Godspeed!

Fellowship Lunch on summer break until Labor Day
However, Wilton Howard & Jaen Ugalde will provide lunch under church deck every Sunday this summer! Suggested donation varies from $10 to $20 depending on the meal. They’ll tithe and profits fund their new catering business!

Permaculture Worknights continue this Tuesday from 7-9p
Worknights will continue weekly through September. Come out and enjoy some good company as we take care of the church grounds together!

Weekly harvesting for Silver Lake Botanicals, Sundays at 9a!
We’ll harvest in various areas, then dry the herbs before service. Contact Marie [] if you can join on Sundays, or if another day works better.

Morning Prayer | 7:30-8:00a | Sun-Fri in sanctuary, Sat in chapel
All welcome to this meditative space led by Bryan Jon to express our gratitude to God, for our spirit to flow in nature, and to ground ourselves as we start the day.

Kids Playdate every Thursday until fall from 10a-12p at CAN
A time for kids to play together & parents to connect. See Elder Thao for details

Categories: Announcements