Pastor Jin on sabbatical till fall
Pastor Jin will take a long-delayed sabbatical (due to 2 yrs pandemic) this
summer. He will still worship with us when in town but take a break from
leadership. Happy sabbatical!
UNDERGROUND ACADEMY for K-12 grade to launch this Sep at CAN!
Our church will host a home school co-op for parents who want their children to
learn indigenous, natural and humane values that also is committed to excellence
in all areas of learning. For details, please contact Elder Renae Long. Interest
meeting TODAY right after service in the chapel.
Pastor Jin in Korea with a few of our members of Korean heritage + Marie
From June 13-29 Pastor Jin will lead Nahree, Soo Kyung, Maddie, James &
Marie to learn more deeply about their Korean heritage. Please pray for them!
Office logistics during Marie’s travel
From June 12- July 5, please direct building reservations and announcements to Contact for ushering questions.
Staff Transitions starting June for Addin Vaj and Gabriella Walker
Addin [] will serve as Tweens Ministry director (11-13
years old) to provide transition into healthy adolescence, and then to healthy
adulthood. Also, Gabriella will serve as half-time Custodian – welcome aboard!
VBS 2022 “Fire Within/Fire Without” | Sat June 25 | 9:30a-2:00p at CAN
This one day family VBS is about Holy Spirit fire that gathers & guides the
community & shines within us. A guardian must attend with their child/ren, and
families will move around as a unit. Lunch provided, ending w water fun! Fee is
$40/family (or pay as able) via Venmo @giving-CANDO (“CAN VBS” in memo
line). Register on our FB Community Board. Contact Soon Pac for details.
Weekly harvesting for Silver Lake Botanicals, Sundays at 9a
We’ll harvest in various areas, then dry the herbs before service. Contact Marie
[] if you can join on Sundays, or if another day works better!
Sanjana will be leading for the next three weeks.
Next PermaDay, Sat July 2, 9a-5p
Meanwhile, permaculture worknights continue every 2 nd & 4 th Tuesday, 6:30-
8:30p. All welcome to PermaDay and these worknights!
Kids Playdate every Thursday from 10am-noon in Nature Play Area of CAN
They’ll play together while parents connect. Contact Elder Thao w questions.
Online giving options (all payment services with no fee)
Let’s continue to give generously toward our life together: Monthly auto Bill Pay
via bank, or Venmo @Giving-CANDO, or mail a check to church.
Categories: Announcements