21st CANniversary Service today; potluck lunch to follow
On this special day we will ordain/install new officers and celebrate with a potluck. Congratulations to the new elders/deacons!

Fellowship lunch winter break ending today
Communal meals resume with our CANniversary potluck; regular fellowship lunch resumes next week. Please help clean up and give as able to cover costs.

Nursery volunteers needed | Elder Thao Hoang coordinating
A two-week rotation to watch our CAN Cuties; sign up with thao@cando.org.

Scheduling Reminder
To use the church building, contact a staff member for approval. Once approved, send reservation requests to marie@cando.org. *Send the event name, date, room name, time period, & frequency.* We generally do first come, first served.

Categories: Announcements