Fellowship lunch on winter break
We will resume communal meals with our CANniversary potluck on Jan 5.

21st CANniversary Service (141st SBPC) next Sun. Jan 5 at 10am
On this special day we will ordain/install new officers and celebrate with a potluck lunch. Please bring your best dish to share!

Daily prayer in sanctuary | 7:30-8:00a
All welcome to this meditative space led by Bryan Jon to express our gratitude to God, for our spirit to flow in nature, and to ground ourselves as we start the day. Prayer will also be offered Thursdays from 7-9p.

Nursery volunteers needed | Elder Thao Hoang coordinating
A two-week rotation to watch our CAN Cuties; sign up with thao@cando.org.

Scheduling Reminder
To use the church building, contact a staff member for approval. Once approved, send reservation requests to marie@cando.org. *Send the event name, date, room name, time period, & frequency.* We generally do first come, first served.

Categories: Announcements