
A faithful member accepts the sacred call to the ministry of the church, which includes:

1.      Serving God as a community of faith and proclaiming the good news of God’s salvation

2.      Taking active part in the life and worship of this congregation, working to decolonize the church in favor of village renewal, and grounding community in the kinship movement that Jesus advanced

3.      Nurturing life-giving ways of relating to God and neighbor that help to heal the earth

4.      Growing in self-definition in order to love and serve our neighbors with integrity and gladness

5.      Studying the sacred texts of our faith in curiosity and in community, and committing to be a serious pupil and disciple of the way of Jesus

6.      Training to live and move and have our being in the spirit of God by learning from worthy mentors; the first three years are especially for learning the culture, way and spirit of the congregation

7.      Supporting the congregation’s ministry through the sacrificial giving of our energy, gifts and resources, including tithing (giving 10% of one’s income according to Malachi 3:10).

8.      Applying the instructions in Matthew 18:15-17 in conflictual situations; the first step being to address the person we have an issue with directly, and to avoid addressing one’s needs with entitlement

9.      Participating in the governing responsibilities of the church, including respecting the discernment and decisions of the session, and being guided by their direction

10.  Living responsibly in all relationships of life, advancing peace, justice and wholeness in the world