A word from our pastor

Greetings! I hope you will take a little time to get to know this amazing congregation, one that demonstrates time and again that we are a “high risk, low anxiety” church. Our members hail from many cultures, nations, and continents. I can’t imagine a more dynamic, liberating and challenging place in which to do ministry. We are serious about discipleship here in order to learn to live with joy and abandon in the way of Jesus.

We are entering a season of maturity in our congregational life. We continue to push ahead with a commitment to communal discernment, to speaking prophetic truth in love, to advancing the ministry of reconciliation, and to communicating the good news of God’s love as a living parable of reconciliation.

As pastor of this beautiful, lovely and fearless body of Christ, I could not be more proud. Over the years we have become even more trusting and vulnerable in our practice of testimony, living into the promise of becoming a truly healing community. We roll up our sleeves, make many meals together, improve the building, and serve one another and our neighbors in countless ways. We celebrate each other’s cultures, languages, nationalities, accomplishments and breakthroughs, and grieve together through pain, loss, tragedy and injustice, no matter who among us goes through such hardships. As it says in 1 Corinthians 12, those who seem to be weaker we see as indispensable, and those who seem less honorable we clothe with greater honor, for the logic/logos of the kingdom of God is not of this world. For us, what it means to be the church is this: When one member suffers, we all suffer together; if one member is honored, we all rejoice together!

Founded in 2004, we have much yet to learn and grow into. I don’t sense God’s delight in us because of any merit as a congregation, but because we choose to trust God every day. Faithfulness to God is a fragile thing when we look at human nature and human history. We are just as prone to relying on our own wits, efforts and resources as did ancient Israel and the contemporary church, so we must be ever dependent on the Holy Spirit.

Please know that you are most welcome to visit, for there’s no way to describe our church in words – we simply must be experienced.

My wife Soon Pac and I are amazed everyday that we are part of such a redemptive and powerful community of faith. Praise be to God!

Jin S. Kim, Senior Pastor