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Sunday Worship Service at 10:00am
Worship with us! We meet at 10am every Sunday. Address: 4301 Benjamin St. NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Compelling Benefits Of Sleep Without A Pillow
Worship with us! We meet at 10am every Sunday. Address: 4301 Benjamin St. NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Compelling Benefits Of Sleep Without A Pillow
OCT 19-20, 2012 CHARLES AMJAD-ALI, DORAN SCHRANTZ, JIN S. KIM, MARK VAN STEENWYK, MARQUE JENSEN Opportunity, prosperity, freedom are the virtues that define the American way of life in the popular imagination. But these virtues have become empty rhetoric for the vast majority, a false religion designed to entrench the power of Read more…
OCT 14-15, 2011 JIN S. KIM, JIM GOODMAN, PAUL & THAO HOANG, JOHN NELSON While the nurture of a local congregation, seminary education, and the denominational call process may have been sufficient for pastoral formation and training in the past, it is becoming apparent that this combination is insufficient to Read more…