Thanks to Wilton & Jaen for the amazing lunches this summer!
They’ll provide one last lunch today for a suggested fee of $10-$20. Profits fund their new catering business! Fellowship lunch resumes next week.

Church Clean-up Day TOMORROW Sept. 2 from 9a-3p
Let’s get ready for the start of a new season by cleaning and organizing our building! This Labor Day we can labor together and also eat lunch together (made by Hikari). RSVP on the FB event so we know how much food to prepare.

Scheduling Reminder
If wanting to use the church building (lessons, meetings, personal study, meals, classes, etc), please contact a staff member for approval. Once approved, please send reservation requests to Other requests should be sent as soon as the use is planned and before it is announced in case space isn’t available. *Please send the event name, room name, start time, end time, as well as frequency if meeting regularly.* We generally do first come, first served.

Upcoming officer meetings
Session meets this Thursday 9/5 at 7p; BoD meets next Sunday 9/8 at 1p. All active officers please attend your respective meetings.

Permaculture worknights continue every Sunday from 1-3p
Work continues weekly; on 9/8 they will meet 3-5p due to BoD. Come and enjoy some good company as we take care of the church grounds together!

Nursery volunteers needed | Elder Thao Hoang coordinating
A two-week rotation to watch our CAN Cuties; sign up with

COOL Kids service resumes next Sunday
Let’s prepare our children for the return of COOL Kids service! Please see Pastor Dana Caraway for details.

Morning Prayer | 7:30-8:00a | Sun-Fri in sanctuary, Sat in chapel
All welcome to this meditative space led by Bryan Jon to express our gratitude to God, for our spirit to flow in nature, and to ground ourselves as we start the day.

Kids Playdate every Thursday until fall from 10a-12p at CAN
A time for kids to play together & parents to connect. See Elder Thao for details.

Categories: Announcements


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