Stewardship Sunday today
If able, please make your financial pledge for 2023 today, and place Stewardship forms on the altar during offertory. If you’d like to know how much you’ve given so far, contact Deacon Jordan (

Congratulations to our new members!
So happy that Millie Collins, Abe Huerta, and Amber Wood are now formally members – welcome to the CAN family!

Board of Deacons meeting today at 1p in Parlor
All active deacons please attend.

Thanksgiving Testimonies & Potluck Lunch NEXT Sunday Nov. 20
Service will include brief sharing by our congregation members + potluck after. Please bring a protein dish if able. Contact Thao with questions.

Congregational Meeting to elect church officers, Nov 27 right after service
We’ll meet briefly to elect elders and deacons as presented by the Nominating Committee. Those present in person may vote.

Tani’s Autumn Recital | Monday Nov 28 at 7p in Sanctuary
Our very own Tani Takushi will give a special autumn clarinet recital, featuring Cassie Pilgrim on Oboe and Seulgee Lee Nelson on piano! This is to raise funds for Underground Academy. Entry fee is $20 or whatever you can afford.

CAN Christmas Craft Fair | Sat. Dec 3 from 9:30a-2p
Let’s start crafting! Look for FB event to sign up or contact

Fellowship Lunch continues today – all welcome to this communion!
Please donate as able to cover costs & helping to clean up after lunch appreciated!

C.O.O.L. Kids (K-5th grade) Worship Service continues today in Chapel
During the Passing of the Peace, our K-5th graders are welcome to go downstairs to the Chapel. Please note that we will NOT resume Sunday school, but will have organized activities when adults meet occasionally for CrossTalk & other events.

Kids Playdate every Thursday from 10am-noon in Nature Play Area of CAN
They’ll play together while parents connect. Contact Elder Thao w questions.

Weekly announcement submissions by Thursday noon
Send your text to to be included in the Sunday bulletin.

Online giving options (all payment services with no fee)
Let’s continue to give generously toward our life together: Monthly auto Bill Pay via bank, or Venmo @Giving-CANDO, or mail a check to church.

Additional contact information
To contact the Clerk of Session Renae Long []; Board of Deacons Chair Paul Moses []. For details about becoming a new member or to join a cell group, contact Pastor John [].

Categories: Announcements