Permaculture Workdays now every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 1-3p
All welcome, come out and join us after lunch and cleanup!

New Member Class over two Saturdays, Oct. 15 & 22, 9a-3p
See John Nelson for details or to sign up (

Session Meeting Oct. 13 at 7p in Corner Café
All active elders please attend.

1st Annual Stand-up Comedy Night fundraiser, Friday Nov. 4 at 7:00p 
Come for a fun night of family friendly stand-up with your church community! Admission fee is $10/adult, $5/child. To perform, fee is $20 (5 min routine). After the show at church, Lake House will host cocktails for a fee on their massive new deck! Fees and free-will donations will benefit Underground Academy. To do a routine, email (Being funny is not required, but helpful.)

C.O.O.L. Kids (K-5th grade) Worship Service continues today in Chapel
During the Passing of the Peace, our K-5th graders are welcome to go downstairs to the Chapel. Please note that we will NOT resume Sunday school, but will have organized activities when adults meet occasionally for CrossTalk & other events.

Fellowship Lunch downstairs – all welcome to this communion!
Please donate as able to cover costs of these healthy meals and help clean up after lunch. Thanks to Marie Page for cooking; Paul Moses for coordinating clean-up!

Kids Playdate every Thursday from 10am-noon in Nature Play Area of CAN
They’ll play together while parents connect. Contact Elder Thao w questions.

Room reservations and posting announcements
Please make room with date/time request to Email announcements to Marie by 12pm Thursday.

Online giving options (all payment services with no fee)
Let’s continue to give generously toward our life together: Monthly auto Bill Pay via bank, or Venmo @Giving-CANDO, or mail a check to church.

Additional contact information
To contact the Clerk of Session Renae Long []; Board of Deacons Chair Paul Moses []. For details about becoming a new member or to join a cell group, contact Pastor John [].

Categories: Announcements