Pastor Jin, Underground Sem Students at Princeton for WSCF Conference
Twenty students, staff, and YA are attending this international ecumenical student gathering (planning board includes our own Claire Kim); Pastor Jin is one of the key speakers. They return home Mon. night- thanks to Pastor Dana for preaching!

Nursery continues today during service
During the Passing of the Peace, age 1-4 may be dropped off in our nursery room. We need volunteers, so please see Elder Thao to sign up.

C.O.O.L. Kids (K-5th grade) Worship Service continues today in Chapel
During the Passing of the Peace, our K-5th graders are welcome to go downstairs to the Chapel. Please note that we will NOT resume Sunday school, but will have organized activities when adults meet occasionally for CrossTalk & other events.

Fellowship Lunch continues today – all welcome to this communion!
Special thanks to Marie Page who’s volunteered to cook delicious, healthy meals for our congregation every Sunday! Please donate as able to cover costs and help clean up after lunch – thanks to Deacon Paul Moses for coordinating this!

Underground Academy launched successfully on Sep. 7!
We welcomed 12 students 1st-11th grade from five of our families. Special thanks to UA Coordinator Elder Renae Long, for Kate Hein & Soo Kyung Hwang on UA staff, for Deacon Maggie Chandler, Soon Pac Kim and Pastor Jin for their guidance, and for the many volunteers who are making this a reality!

Grant for Kitchen Renovation
Great news! We won a $20,000 grant from the presbytery towards the renovation of our kitchen! This will give us a great head start on necessary funds.

Admin reminders (esp. as events resume around the building)
Please submit reservation requests to w date & room requested, start time, and end time. Email announcements to Marie by 12p on Thurs.

Changes to COVID protocol
Masks are optional during worship service. We still suggest testing and masking for those with any symptoms as well as isolation for those who test positive.

Permaculture Workdays now every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 1-3p
All welcome to these workdays! Come out and join us after lunch and cleanup!

Kids Playdate every Thursday from 10am-noon in Nature Play Area of CAN
They’ll play together while parents connect. Contact Elder Thao w questions.

Online giving options (all payment services with no fee)
Let’s continue to give generously toward our life together: Monthly auto Bill Pay via bank, or Venmo @Giving-CANDO, or mail a check to church.

Additional contact information
To contact the Clerk of Session Renae Long []; Board of Deacons Chair Paul Moses []. For details about becoming a new member or to join a cell group, contact Pastor John [].

Categories: Announcements