Congratulations, graduates!
We celebrate our very own Jaron Magstadt who will graduate from high school in June, as well as Claire Kim, who graduated from the U. of Minnesota yesterday.
Stay-at-Home continues until at least the end of May for CAN
We will continue to do all our ministries online until at least then. Also, everyone please wear masks at all public spaces including outside, always! And if you need a mask, let Soon Pac know and she will make one for you.
Building Week and Permaculture update
Thanks to all who came out to work on beautifying our beloved building, and special thanks to Isaac Sanborn for coordinating! We also installed 26 new cedar raised beds in the back, thanks to many volunteers esp. from our community houses, and through the excellent leadership of John Nelson and Laura Newby!
Singing Circle now weekly on Wednesdays 7:40-8p ONLINE
Sing and share in a space of healing and kinship prior to bible study. See JinSoo.
Care Packages for our members
Hope everyone enjoyed receiving their care packages. Special thanks to all our community houses for this act of love and joy!
Online Donation Options while we worship and gather online
Please continue to give generously as able to support our life together. Access our Venmo @Giving-CANDO (free), PayPal link at (charges us 3%), or automatic Bill Pay through your bank (free).
Pastor Jin leading “In Via” (On the Way) men’s group 9:00-11:30a (Zoom)
We will group process our emotions to heal, grow, and mature. Last date is May 23. Please pray for our men!
Most of our ministries are now online
Our 10am Sunday service and most of our programs will continue online.
And there are all kinds of other activities happening online. As it says in Hebrews 10:25: Let us “not neglect to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encourage one another, and all the more as we see the Day approaching.” Amen! (Contact Marie if you need help connecting virtually to any of our events.)
CAN Community Projects during COVID-19
If you’re looking for a few more ways to support the community:
1. Build a new carnival game: Every Feb we have a children’s carnival. We’d like to add new games to the rotation this year! Any DIYers want to make Plinko, Spin the Wheel, or Corn Hole? Contact Soon Pac to volunteer (to avoid overlap).
2. Start crafting: Get a jump on crafting for our annual craft sale!
3. Make masks: If you have enough, drop off extras at church and we’ll make sure others in our community get them (let Marie know if you’re coming). Find patterns for use: For help, contact Soon Pac.