- In the Beginning… by Jin S. Kim
- Struggle for Re-placement by Ched Myers, Elaine Enns and Carnival de Resistance (Slides Available)
- Water Walks and Mississippi Struggles by Sharon Day (Slides Available)
- Panel Discussion with Jin S. Kim, Jim Bear Jacobs, Ched Myers and Elaine Enns
- An Introduction to Watershed Discipleship with Ched Myers (Slides Available)
- Mapping our Stories: Family Migrations and Trauma with Elaine Enns
- A Dream of Wild Health with Ernie Whiteman
- Awakening to Sacred Space with Jim Bear Jacobs and Bob Klanderud
- Nibi (Water) Walks with Sharon Day (Not Available)
- Sacramental Agriculture: Regenerative Farming and the Divine Intent with Mike Miles and Barb Kass
- From Imperial Brokenness to Communal Healing with Jin S. Kim
- Carnival as Holy Disturbance with Jay Beck and Tevyn East(Slides Available)